Cotton Touts COVID 'Lab Leak' Theory, Accuses Mainstream Media Of Being “Apologists” For China

Finally, someone is trying to expose the truth about the origins of the coronavirus outbreak. An Arkansas Republican told "The Story" Wednesday that there should be skepticism regarding any origins of the coronavirus.

China has maintained that the coronavirus is believed to have originated in the markers of Wuhan. Senate Intelligence Committee member Tom Cotton, R-Ark., has always maintained skepticism on if the virus was leaked from a biochemical lab near the city.

“The mainstream media are largely apologists for Chinese communists, and they will accept Chinese communist propaganda,” Cotton said. “They immediately try to accuse anyone who raises these reasonable questions as conspiracy theorists that are accusing China of creating a biological weapon.”

“We don’t have evidence that this disease originated there,” the senator said in February. “But because of China’s duplicity and dishonesty from the beginning, we need to at least ask the question to see what the evidence says, and China right now is not giving evidence on that question at all.”

Cotton highlighted in his statement that those labs in Wuhan have conducted research in bats and the coronavirus. Those labs are the Wuhan Center for Disease Control and Prevention and Wuhan Institute of Virology.

“The reason I have raised these questions from the very beginning is because of China’s statements and their actions,” he said. “After concealing the virus for many weeks in December and then minimizing its severity for most of January, they then peddle an origin story about the food market in Wuhan.

“Given their dishonesty and the proximity of these labs, which we know were working with coronaviruses, it is only reasonable and responsible for us to ask the question and demand the answers,” he added.

The coronavirus has changed the world since it was released in the early months of 2020. It spread across the world causing lockdowns, and ending millions of lives. As of Friday, COVID-19 infections are still rising in 71 countries. There have been at least 128,918,000 reported infections and 2,942,000 reported deaths caused by the coronavirus so far.

China's reported cases make the country the fourth-largest outbreak as of Thursday, but U.S. intelligence agencies have determined that the country is covering up cases and deaths.

Cotton has also accused the mainstream media of acting as “apologists” for the Chinese government amid the coronavirus outbreak.

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