RINO Goes On MSNBC And Calls Republicans 'White Nationalists'

On Friday, MSNBC’s The 11th hosted Mehdi Hasan and David Jolly, claiming that Republicans are returning to white nationalism with their education policies. However, the facts tell a different story.

The books that have been banned or challenged were due to explicit sexual content, not any political agenda. The controversy surrounding Michelangelo's statue of David was because parents were uninformed about the nude art lesson and not for any other reason related to politics.

In reality, Republicans are only trying to maintain commonsense education policies which will help kids learn practical skills and knowledge which will support them later in life; rather than being taught woke ideology that is unnecessary and irrelevant in classrooms. They also want parents to have a say in their children's educational decisions and to hold school districts accountable.

These policies have nothing to do with white nationalism or discrimination. It is simply about making sure our kids get the best education possible and that parents can have a voice in their children’s education. We should all support them in this venture. The Left has been attempting to frame the GOP as out-of-date, but in actuality, they are trying to ensure our kids get a good education. We should pay attention to the facts.

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This is not about going back to a regressive past, but rather making sure our children get the best possible education and that parents can be involved in their decisions. We should all be on board with this. Let's pay attention to the facts and support good educational policies. It is in the best interest of our kids' future success. That's what matters most.

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