A Florida state senator filed a bill that would allow selected convicted criminals to enlist in the military in lieu of serving jail or prison time. Florida Senator Darryl Rouson filed Senate Bill 1356, which would allow defendants who are 25 years old or younger to apply for enlistment in the military instead of jail time. …

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Some unwanted visitors have forced around 200 staff members and 420 prison inmates to be relocated from the Wellington Correctional Center in New South Wales. The unsanitary guests have infiltrated the entire building causing extensive damage. What caused hundreds of hardened criminals to go running at the first sight of these new residents? A plague …

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A disturbing video shows a suspected human trafficker going into a fit of rage after being taken into custody in Carrizo Springs, Texas. Journalist Ali Bradley posted the footage to her Twitter account Monday, which shows a suspected human trafficker, handcuffed and sitting in a border patrol van in a Texas town 45 miles north …

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“Late-night regulars” such as David Letterman and Jimmy Fallon haven’t said a peep about the myriad goofs of the Biden administration, but late-night staple Larry the Cable Guy has been eager to do the dirty work. On August 15, as the situation in Afghanistan continued to deteriorate, the veteran of Blue Collar Comedy made quickly …

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A Las Vegas woman shouting “let’s go Brandon” was arrested at McCarran International Airport over the weekend after refusing to wear a mask and causing a ruckus onboard an Allegiant Air flight, authorities said. While at a security checkpoint in the airport another passenger confronted Katrina Alspaugh, 51, for not wearing a mask, according to …

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Abortion activists stormed Pastor Joel Osteen’s church service on last weekend in Houston, Texas, by striping off their clothes and shouting “my body, my choice!” “My body, my f—ing choice,” one activist with Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights is heard chanting in the church as she removed her dress, leaving on her underwear. “Overturn Roe, …

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Former President Bill Clinton and former First Lady Hillary Clinton celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary last October but according to a gossip magazine, they could be heading for a very expensive divorce. A “renowned body language expert” examined a photo of the couple as they were casting their electoral college votes last month. The expert …

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A father from Georgia is facing criticism for disturbing videos that he posted to social media of him disciplining his teenage daughter. Andrew Eugene Anderson, of Gwinnett County, can be seen in the video with his wife, as they confront the young teen and accuse her of stealing and running away. At one point Anderson …

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A happy couple was reciting their wedding vows to one another in Glacier National Park in Montana when they were interrupted by a grizzly bear attacking and eating a moose calf nearby. Wedding videographer Stanton Giles captured the savage attack and then posted it on Youtube where it was seen about 10,000 times. “A wedding …

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After the fall of the Afghanistan government, the Taliban sent an ambassador to represent them in the United Nations. Their mission is to request that world leaders officially recognize their authority. Afghanistan’s current U.N. ambassador is Ghulam Isaczai, previously assigned by the former government supported by the U.S. military. The Taliban nominated Suhail Shaheen as …

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