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Democratic vice presidential nominee Senator Kamala Harris argues that during Wednesday’s debate that her running mate former vice president Joe Biden “has been very clear” about not ending fracking if he were elected president. However, past remarks indicate that both of them have been inconsistent with their position on the issue. Harris publically supported a …

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The University of North Florida Public Opinion Research Lab released a new poll that showed President Trump holding a lead with seniors against Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden. It may be a slightly smaller margin than what he had in 2016 against then-rival Hillary Clinton but a win is still a win. The poll was …

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When President Trump was released from Walter Reed National Military Medical Center after spending the weekend getting treatment for his coronavirus diagnosis Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden took a couple of cheap shots by posting a meme of the president not wearing a mask upon his arrival back to the White House along with a …

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Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden is considering New York Governor Andrew Cuomo as attorney general for his potential administration. Speculation of his role within a Biden administration began when aides at the National Governor Association, which Cuomo chairs,  began looking for contingencies to replace him. Democratic donors close to Cuomo have allegedly reported that the …

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The Washington Post called out Senator Kamala Harris for her “little history lesson” during the vice presidential debate that “wasn’t exactly true.” While on the subject of the confirmation of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court things got heated when Harris responded to Pence’s argument that President Trump’s appointment is following precedent by …

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During an interview on “Hannity,” President Trump ripped Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden for yet again refusing to answer questions about whether he would support efforts to pack the court if Trump’s pick for Supreme Court Justice were confirmed before the election. President Trump’s comments came after Biden made a stop in Phoenix and announced …

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During the vice-presidential debate, Mike Pence called out Joe Biden for plagiarism scandals from the former vice president’s past when arguing that the Democratic nominee’s coronavirus plan looked very similar to President Trump’s. “When you read the Biden plan it reads a lot like what Trump and I have been doing every step of the …

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Instead of addressing some of the real issues we’re facing in our country, Democratic vice-presidential candidate Kamala Harris thought it would be a good idea to attack President Trump over the misinformation that he only paid $750 in federal taxes the year he was elected into the White House. “We now know because of great …

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Another violent protest broke out in downtown Los Angeles in front of police headquarters. The only problem is authorities don’t know why. It seems that rioters can attack anywhere, without warning and for no reason at all these days. Out of the dozens of protesters that had gathered in front of the Las Angeles Police …

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Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden appeared at a town hall hosted by NBC Monday night in a last-ditch effort to appeal to Florida’s moderate Democrats. At the event, Biden claimed that he is far from being a socialist and reminded the audience that he defeated one in the primaries. “I look like a socialist?” Biden …

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