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Democratic vice-presidential candidate Kamala Harris has a habit of avoiding the press. Recently she faced renewed scrutiny when she quickly left the stage without taking questions after a speech in which she criticized President Trump for his efforts to fill the vacant Supreme Court seat before the election. Besides her role as Joe Biden’s running …

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Sunday morning President Trump posted a tweet demanding that Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden take a drug test right before or directly after the presidential debate The president claims there has been a disturbingly erratic patterns in the former vice president’s debate performance and the only explanation is drug use.   Of course Trump said he …

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President Trump contested a report from The New York Times claiming the president had not paid his federal income taxes for 10 of the past 15 years. He called the story “fake news” and argued that he has paid large federal and state taxes. Less than an hour after the story broke in the newspaper …

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After President Trump nominated Federal Appeals Court Judge Amy Coney Barrett, Supreme Court Senator Josh Hawley sent a letter to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer demanding Democrats to avoid attacking Barrett’s Catholic faith during the confirmation process. Hawley specifically mentioned made by Senator Dianne Feinstein about Barrett’s faith during her nomination hearing in 2017 the …

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House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has this crazy theory that President Trump will refuse to leave the White House if the election doesn’t go his way.  The president’s recent comments about there not being a transfer of power but a continuation of one caused Pelosi to go over the edge saying he is trying to “ …

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Trump and first lady Melania Trump were at the Supreme Court Building to pay their respects to the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. As the couple made their way to the Supreme Court a mob of protesters can be heard booing him and shouting, “vote him out” and “honor her wish” in reference …

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President Trump praised Kentucky’s Democratic Governor Andy Beshear calling in the National Guard just hours before two police officers were shot at a protest that took place after a grand jury decision in the Brianna Taylor case. During a White House press briefing President Trump said, “I will be speaking to the governor, we have a …

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Dr. Anthony Fauci is regarded as the country’s leading infectious disease expert. He said that he and his team remain “cautiously optimistic” about developing a coronavirus that could be approved by the end of the year. At a Senate Health, Education, Labor & Pensions Committee hearing, Fauci said, “We predict that sometime by the end …

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Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden appeared to snub his former opponent Monday in an attempt to ease voters’ concerns that he would pursue a socialist agenda if he were to win the November election. During a rally in Manitowoc, Wisconsin, Biden was asked about socialist views that his fellow Demmocrats like Bernie Sanders and Alexandia …

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Laura Ingraham said on her show Tuesday that an “unholy alliance” is being formed between wealthy liberals and extremist Democrat politicians like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Senator Bernie Sanders. Ingraham warned voters that the two sides are forging a bond meant to “prop up” Joe Biden so if the he is elected president they can …

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