WATCH: Biden Makes No Sense At All As His Mental Health Worsens

Over the weekend President Biden was in Houston to visit the area severely affected by the recent winter storms.

Biden struggled during his speech and his verbal mistakes were incredibly disturbing.

“… and Representatives Shir-Shirley Jackson Lee, Al Greene, Sylvia Garcia, Lizzie Penelley, ugh, uh, excuse me, Pannill, and, ugh, what am I doing here? I’m gonna lose track here,” Biden wondered aloud. Her name is Sheila Jackson Lee… and she’s hardly forgettable. But his remark, “What am I doing here?” was very telling. Of course, we’ve all been wondering that for weeks. What is Joe Biden doing there in the most powerful position in the world?

As Bonchie over at RedState noted, “there’s a reason his wife has to do joint interviews with him at an unheard-of rate.”

On Thursday, Vice President Kamala Harris had to remind Biden to pick up his mask after he left it on the podium.

After receiving a thumbs-up from a double-masked Dr. Anthony Fauci, Harris asked Biden, “Where’s your mask?”

“My mask!” he said before returning to the podium to retrieve it.

Biden fought back against questions about his mental abilities from the Trump campaign. “Look, all you gotta do is watch me, and I can hardly wait to compare my cognitive capability to the cognitive capability of the man I’m running against,” he said back in June.

Meanwhile, at CPAC former President Trump didn’t miss a beat and called out the Biden administration and committed to helping Republicans retake the House.

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