The President’s Virtual Event Feed Is Mysteriously Cut Just Before He Begins Taking Questions

The White House raised some concerns when the feed to a virtual event was suddenly cut after President Biden said he would be “happy to take questions” from Democratic lawmakers.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the House Democratic Caucus accompanied Biden as he spoke to lawmakers about COVID relief and the current vaccine rollout. He closed his speech by urging Democrats to help “restore faith” in government.

Biden then said, “I’d be happy to take questions if that’s what I’m supposed to do, Nance. Whatever you want me to do.”

Biden appeared to be ready to take questions from lawmakers then there was a short pause from the president before the feed was abruptly cut.


President Biden is facing growing criticism for failing to hold a formal press conference in the six weeks since he took office. On the rare occasion he does take questions they appear to be scripted from pre-selected reporters.


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