Nurse Sent Condolence Cards To Infants Parents After Killing Them

A purported sympathy card was given to the parents of one of the preterm kids by a British nurse who is suspected of killing seven of them.


At the Countess of Chester Hospital between June 2015 and June 2016, Lucy Letby, who is also charged with seven deaths and the attempted murder of ten additional newborns, confessed to sending the card to police, saying the behavior was “not typical.”

According to evidence, she admitted throughout her trial that she had a picture of the card on her phone. The nurse reportedly tried to murder the kid four times before succeeding on the third try before the card was delivered.


Prosecuting attorney Nick Johnson claimed that although the infant was doing fine up until Letby “put her hands on her,” that is when the infant started vomiting and having respiratory issues. According to The Daily Mail, he said, “It was relentless, it was calculated, and it was cold-blooded.”


Letby is accused of giving infants insulin injections, air or excessive milk feedings at night when the parents were away.



Johnson also showed the jury an image of a yellow Post-it note kept by Letby. He declared that she wrote, “I don’t deserve to live. I killed them on purpose because I’m not good enough,” “I am a horrible evil person,” and in capital letters, “I AM EVIL I DID THIS.”


Johnson concluded, “Well, ladies and gentlemen, that in a nutshell is your task in this case. Whether or not she did these dreadful things is the decision you will have to make when you have heard all the evidence.”

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