Biden’s Insensitive Comments In Kenosha May Be His Worst Gaffe Yet

Former Vice President Joe Biden has had some pretty awkward and distasteful moments during his time on the campaign trail. There was the “you ain’t black” debacle, the many, many instances of sniffing and groping very young girls, and the sexual assault allegations.

Biden never fails to put his foot in his mouth when he is out in public especially when he is addressing a very sensitive topic.

Thursday afternoon while visiting Kenosha, Wisconson, Biden tried giving a speech addressing racial unrest following the police shooting of Jacob Blake but somehow ended up talking about inequities in taxes.

When he remembered why he was there he stopped himself from going into detail about his tax policy and said if he goes on any longer “they’ll shoot me.”

While in Kenosha, Biden also visited the family of Jacob Blake who after being shot by the police last month sent Wisconson and other areas into another round of protests that ended up causing more riots and violence.

President Trump visited Wisconson earlier in the week and focused on supporting the police and rebuilding damaged businesses affected by out of control rioting.

Biden claims to be looking for that common ground that he says Trump is incapable of reaching with the “law and order” rhetoric.

“I can’t say if tomorrow God made me president, I can’t guarantee you everything gets solved in four years,” said Biden. But, he added, “it would be a whole better, we’d get a whole lot further down the road” if Trump is not re-elected.

“There’s certain things worth losing over,” he concluded, “and this is something worth losing over if you have to — but we’re not going to lose.”

Does this man think before he speaks? Or do his handlers keep him so sheltered that he really had no idea what is going on in that community?

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