Auto Exec Indicted In Murder For Hire Scheme

Auto executive, Erik Maund has been indicted for paying three men $750,000 to track down and murder his mistress and her boyfriend, who he said, had been blackmailing him, according to the Department of Justice (DOJ).

Gilad Peled, the owner of Speartip Security who claims to have served in the Israeli Defense Forces; Bryon Brockway a former active-duty Marine who served in a Special Operations Capable unit; and Adam Carey, who previously served in the Marine Corps Special Operations Group, were hired by Maund as part of a kidnapping and murder scheme.

All four men were arrested Friday and have been charged with conspiracy to commit kidnapping, kidnapping resulting in death, and carrying, brandishing, and discharging a firearm during and in relation to a crime of violence, each of them could face life in prison.

Maund, a married man from Austin, Texas, had gone to Nashville in February 2020 to visit family. While in Nashville, he contacted Holly Williams, a woman he had previously been involved with romantically, and asked her to meet with him.

Williams’ romantic partner, William Lanway, threatened to expose Maund’s relationship with Williams if Maund did not pay him to keep quiet.

Carey and the others traveled to Tennessee where they surveilled Williams and Lanway. They confirmed Williams’ address and license plate and that Lanway had been staying with Williams.

Brockway and Carey confronted Williams and Lanway on Mar. 12, 2020, in the parking lot of Williams’ apartment, where they shot and killed Lanway. The two men then kidnapped Williams and drove her and Lanyway’s body to a construction site, where they shot and killed her, then abandoned both bodies.

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