The Taliban passed a decree on Friday that allegedly banned forced marriages, claiming that women are free persons and not property.
“Both (women and men) should be equal,” the decree said. “No one can force women to marry by coercion or pressure.”
The Taliban also announced that they have ordered the courts to allow widows to seek the inheritance of their families and to choose who they marry after their husbands die instead of being forced to marry an in-law. The Taliban claims to be seeking to end the practice of forcing women into marriage for money or to settle disputes.
The now Taliban controlled Afghanistan, required women to wear full face and head coverings and forbade them from leaving their homes without a male relative to escort them, during their 1996 to 2001 rule.
“A woman is not a property, but a noble and free human being; no one can give her to anyone in exchange for peace…or to end animosity,” Taliban spokesman Zabihillah Muhajid said.
The Taliban claims to have changed their ways and reopened some schools for girls.
The Taliban seized control of Afghanistan in August after a botched American withdrawal that left hundreds of Americans stranded in the country. The group immediately revoked all of the women’s rights at that time.