With New $6 TRILLION Budget Biden Has Reached A Record Level Of Spending

Democrats must be smacking their chops as they wait for President Joe Biden’s $6 trillion budget proposal announcement on Friday. This absurd amount would raise the level of federal spending to levels not seen this high since World War II.

According to documents reported by The New York Times, they note that the budget would also run “deficits above $1.3 trillion throughout the next decade.” And that’s not even the worst part. The report concluded that “Biden’s first budget request as president calls for the federal government to spend $6 trillion in the 2022 fiscal year, and for total spending to rise to $8.2 trillion by 2031.”

Critics reacted to Biden’s multiple waves of spending. The Daily Wire’s Ben Shapiro noted that Biden’s spending — $6 trillion budget, $2 trillion “recovery” bill, $2 trillion infrastructure bill, and $2 trillion “American Families Plan” — amounted to $12 trillion.

“This is the spending this ‘moderate’ houseplant has proposed in the first six months of his administration,” Shapiro added.

The Times noted that “the United States would run significant deficits as it borrows money to finance the president’s plans” in response to the ever-increasing Democrats’ agenda regarding infrastructure and social benefits.

“Under Mr. Biden’s proposal, the federal budget deficit would hit $1.8 trillion in 2022, even as the economy rebounds from the pandemic recession to grow at what the administration predicts would be its fastest annual pace since the early 1980s,” the report added. “It would recede slightly in the following years before growing again to nearly $1.6 trillion by 2031.”

“By 2024, debt as a share of the economy would rise to its highest level in American history, eclipsing its World War II-era record,” the Times reported.

The budget proposals will require approval by the Democrat-controlled Congress.

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