White House Advisor Admits To Regret Her Choice For President

Naomi Wolf, a former White House advisor to President Bill Clinton and Vice President Al Gore, said in a tweet that she would not have cast her vote for Joe Biden if she had known about his stance on coronavirus-related economic shutdowns.

Wolf argues that lockdowns are “historically unprecedented” and a “terrifying practice.” In her tweet, she says President-elect Biden’s candor for more lockdowns in order to curb the spread of COVID-19 makes her regret her decision to vote for him.

Anyone who listened to any of Biden’s rally speeches would know that he was very vocal about implementing additional lockdowns and there should be guidelines for governing potential closures.

Biden even said during a debate with President Trump, “If you have a reproduction rate in a community that’s above a certain level, everybody says ‘slow up,’ more social distancing, do not open bars and do not open gymnasiums. Do not open until you get this under control.”

Trump opposed any more lockdowns and would regularly use this narrative to attack Biden all throughout the campaign cycle. Just before Election Day Trump made a stop at a rally and said a vote for Biden is “a vote for lockdowns, layoffs,” and “misery.”

Biden says that he would take the advice of scientists into consideration and would only implement more shutdowns if advised to do so by experts.

The number of coronavirus cases across the U.S. continues to go up but pharmaceutical giant Pfizer has seen promising results from its recent trials which showed 90% effectiveness in preventing the virus.

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