Sean Hannity Slams Hypocrite Democrats For Accusing Trump Of Downplaying Virus

Allegations are flying around about President Trump lying to the public about the seriousness of the coronavirus pandemic, but it was really the Democrats who initially downplayed the crisis.

During Fox News' "Hannity" Wednesday night the host played a video of Joe Biden speaking at a rally in South Carolina just three weeks after President Trump told journalist Bob Woodward that the virus was "deadly stuff."

At the rally, told supporters that although it was a "serious public health challenge" it was "not a time to panic" about the virus.

Hannity asked, "Will the media, the mob, spend the next 24 hours freaking out about those comments? I wouldn't hold my breath."

He made the point that "the Biden campaign didn't even release an official response on the pandemic until March 11." Hannity added that the plan was only a few paragraphs long and "included things that the president was already doing."

Going into April, the Biden campaign claimed that the former vice president stood behind Trump's decision to restrict travel from China to the United States. However, when the restriction was first announced, Biden said it was in line with Trump's "record of hysteria, xenophobia, and fear-mongering."

Hannity argues, "If Joe Biden were in charge, it's not a question of if more Americans would have contracted the virus and died. But how many hundreds of thousands of more Americans would've contracted the virus."

"This is now the insanity season," the host explained. "Fifty-five days away from a tipping point election, the lying, the smears, the slander ... the hysteria is now reaching a fever pitch, and with just 55 days until you become the ultimate jury, the anti-Trump insanity is going to be non-stop."

That means the Democrats are going to be scrambling to come up with something they can use to make the president look guilty but these are covert manipulation tactics. Twisting the truth is the only way the left knows how to operate.

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