Priceless Pieces Of Art Are In DANGER Of Being Destroyed

On Friday in Milan, Italy, protesters hurled flour at a 1979 Andy Warhol sports car painting as a way of venting their resentment.

The incident is just another example of the pattern set by Generation Z climate change activists who target and destroy artwork in galleries using food or other objects.

While two other protesters spread mashed potatoes on a Monet, two others threw tomato soup at a van Gogh painting. For environmental justice, one person threw cake at the Mona Lisa while others poured milk on store floors.

Each time, the artwork was protected by glass, preventing it from being damaged.

According to Reuters, this time, members of the band Ultima Generazione, or Last Generation, used flour to simulate snowfall on Warhol’s BMW Art Car.

The group, Ultima Generazione, conducts nonviolent civil disobedience actions to demand immediate and effective measures against the ecoclimate collapse, according to the group’s website.

In Egypt, there were climate talks going on when the group vandalized the sports car.

Although U.N. negotiators agreed to make “reparations” payments to poorer countries, they have not yet specified how these payments will be made.

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