New York Times Slammed After Praising Biden For His Religious Stance

Conservatives are outraged that The New York Times described President Biden in a recently published story as “perhaps the most religiously observant commander in chief in half a century.”

Experts quickly jumped in to remind The Times of former presidents George W. Bush and Jimmy Carters’ outspoken faith.

Pastor and Author Daniel Darling wrote on Twitter, “George W. Bush said Jesus Christ was his favorite philosopher and credited Billy Graham with hanging his life. Jimmy Carter taught Sunday School. Cmon.”

According to The Times article, Biden was reflecting Pope Francis’ stance on “environmental protection, poverty, and migration” by renewing the Pairs climate accord and calling off all construction of a border wall. The writer goes on to note that Biden received criticism from many Catholic leaders “for policies ‘that would advance morals evils,’ especially ‘in the areas of abortion, contraception, marriage, and gender.'”

Mary Margaret Olohan of the Daily Caller News Foundation called out the media for their drastically different coverage of Biden versus that of his fellow Catholic, Justice Amy Coney Barrett.

“Lest we forget,” wrote Olohan on Twitter, “the media roundly mocked Amy Coney Barrett’s Catholicism. Her adherence to Catholic principle was used to suggest that she was unfit to be a Supreme Court justice. People suggested her large family was extreme and that she adopted her children for show.”

At the same time, Roman Catholic bishops are criticizing Biden’s executive orders to apply anti-discrimination protections to certain groups, claiming it didn’t account for religious liberty and strengthened “false theories on human sexuality.”

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