Migrants Allowed Free Roam While American Business Owners Are Getting Shut Down

Democrats make me so furious. How in the world people could allow these imbeciles to be in charge of making a sandwich is beyond my understanding.

Just recently a restaurant owner in Michigan was arrested for violating the state’s (forbidden illness) rules. The owner Marlena Pavols-Hackney who is an actual legal immigrant, escaped communism in Poland was able to open up her own restaurant but now she’s being punished for it.

The tyrant governor Gretchen Whitmer along with her attorney general for even trying to have her sent to jail because of her running her business in order to provide for her family.

Now with the Biden administration, there actually doing quite the opposite and acting in a hypocritical manner.

Pavlos-Hackney can’t operate her business properly because of the strict orders of the wicked witch of the north, but Biden is turning (forbidden illness) positive immigrants lose into the U.S.

She was arrested before dawn Friday and hauled to jail, a dramatic turn in a months-long dispute over her persistent refusal to comply with orders and restrictions tied to the coronavirus.

Marlena Pavlos-Hackney, 55, will remain in jail until she pays $7,500 and authorities to confirm that Marlena’s Bistro and Pizzeria in Holland, Michigan, is closed, a judge said.

“She has put the community at risk. We are in the middle of a pandemic,” Ingham County Judge Rosemarie Aquilina said.

State investigators said Pavlos-Hackney had allowed indoor dining when it was banned, wasn’t enforcing mask rules and was ignoring capacity limits. Her food license was suspended Jan. 20, but the business remained open.

A different judge on March 4 declared Pavlos-Hackney in contempt of court and ordered an arrest unless the restaurant was closed.

“You have selfishly not followed the orders. … This is the wrong way to get publicity,” Aquilina said. “It’s the wrong way to be a good citizen.”

To say that she was acting selfishly is an idiotic response from the judge. Providing for oneself to survive and to take care of others is not selfish.

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