The family of late actor and renowned comedian Bob Saget published an official statement on Wednesday evening, revealing the reason of his death on January 9, 2022. According to the family, Saget died of head trauma, not drugs or alcohol, as had been believed.
According to, the statement reads:
In the weeks since Bob’s passing, we have been overwhelmed with the incredible outpouring of love from Bob’s fans, which has been a great comfort to us and for which we are eternally grateful.
Now that we have the final conclusions from the authorities’ investigation, we felt it only proper that the fans hear those conclusions directly from us.
The authorities have determined that Bob passed from head trauma. They have concluded that he accidentally hit the back of his head on something, thought nothing of it and went to sleep. No drugs or alcohol were involved.
As we continue to mourn together, we ask everyone to remember the love and laughter that Bob brought to this world, and the lessons he taught us all: to be kind to everyone, to let the people you love know you love them, and to face difficult times with hugs and laughter.
The Saget Family
Saget died abruptly at the Ritz-Carlton in Orlando, Florida, early last month. Dr. Joshua Stephany, Chief Medical Examiner for Orange and Osceola Counties, released a statement the morning after Saget’s body was discovered, saying that foul play or drugs were not expected to play a role in his death:
An autopsy was performed this morning on Robert Lane Saget. Mr. Saget is a 65-year-old male, who was found unresponsive in his hotel room. At this time. there is no evidence of drug use or foul play. The cause and manner of death are pending further studies and investigation which may take up to 10-12 weeks to complete.
When the autopsy report has been finalized, a follow up press statement will be released.
Our condolences go out to Mr. Sagets loved ones during this difficult time.
On NBC ‘s “Today,” Saget’s widow Kelly Rizzo expressed her grief, and shared the last text messages that she had sent her late husband.
“I was just very grateful that it was all ‘I love you so much.’ I think I said, ‘I love you dearly,’ and he said, ‘I love you endlessly.’ And then I said, ‘I can’t wait to see you tomorrow.’ It was just all love,” Rizzo said, The Daily Wire reported.
“He valued every single second that we had together,” Rizzo continued. “That’s why this is so heartbreaking, but at the same time I know that every second that we had together was just maximized to the fullest. There was nothing left unsaid, and there was nothing left on the table.”
“He was everyone’s dear friend,” she said at one point. “No one will ever be like Bob.”