Extreme New Regulations Will Require You To Wear A Mask Inside Your Home

All across the country governors and mayors are tightening restrictions in response to these growing numbers. Pennsylvania is planning on taking some extreme measures to fight the sharp increase in coronavirus cases which include wearing masks indoors with very few exceptions.

Also, starting Friday, anyone planning on entering the Keystone State must be tested for the virus at least 72 hours before arrival, otherwise, they will be required to quarantine for 14 days. This order will not apply to Pennsylvania residents that commute to neighboring states for work or health care.

These new rules will be largely self-enforced.

Pennsylvania already has a statewide mandate in place as well as limits on indoor and outdoor gatherings and occupancy restrictions at bars and restaurants.

These new rules will take things a step further because not only are masks required outside where it is not possible to keep a minimum six-foot distance from others but also inside where people from multiple households are gathering, even if they are maintaining a safe social distance.

Pennsylvania, like the rest of the nation, has seen a huge influx of coronavirus infections in recent weeks. Every day the state is reporting more than 5,000 new infections per day, that a 115% rise in just two weeks. Hospitalizations and the number of positive tests are also up sharply which leads to a rise in deaths.


Philadelphia officials announced on Monday that a ban would be enforced for indoor gatherings, dining, shutter casinos, gyms, museums, and libraries.

Early in the pandemic Democratic Governor Tom Wolf exacted a stay-at-home order and shuttered every business deemed “non-life-sustaining” but a judge ruled Wolf’s restrictions unconstitutional.

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