Disrespectful Dem Mocks Her Navy Vet Opponent’s War Scars And Gets Burned

Things got personal for Navy SEAL vet and Texas Representative Dan Crenshaw when his former Democratic opponent made a rude comment on social media about his eye.

While fighting for his country in Afghanistan, Crenshaw lost one eye and underwent several critical surgeries to save the other eye.

Elisa Cardnell, who ran for the House of Representatives against Crenshaw in 2020, made a comment about the former SEAL’s eye after he called one of Democratic Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s comments in a tweet a “blatant lie.”

“The GOP has been singlemindedly chipping away at democracy for months,” wrote Cardnell. “The reason you can’t see the objective truth isn’t because of your eyes; it’s because of how far you have your nose up your Dear Leader’s a$$.”

But Crenshaw didn’t flinch and shot back saying, “Actually it’s just “eye,” singular.”

Cardnell claimed the failed insult was because she “ran out of characters to say ‘eyes, or lack thereof.’”

“Bless your heart,” Crenshaw responded in a later tweet. “Please pray for this woman.”

Cardnell’s account on Twitter has since been set to private.

Crenshaw was recently forced to undergo another emergency surgery to repair damage to his other eye from the 2012 explosion that caused vision problems. Doctors had to insert a gas bubble into his eye to keep his retina from moving out of place and prevent him from going completely blind.

The Texas lawmaker had to lay face-down for two weeks after his surgery and could not see anything during that time. He even recalls being “effectively blind” for about a month after the surgery.

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