Caitlyn Jenner Promises To Reject Tax Increases In Order To Gain Votes For Governor

Caitlyn Jenner, who recently announced that they are running for governor, made a huge statement after promising Californians to veto any tax increases in the state if elected if Gov. Gavin Newsom gets recalled.

It seems that Jenner is just trying to “save California” after announcing some of their plans on Twitter. She wrote that this is only “just one of my solutions to save California” after quoting her plan.

“When I’m Governor, I’ll veto any tax increase. Period,” the former Olympian wrote under the “Solutions” tab of her campaign website.

The famed member of the Kardashian dynasty has always identified themself as an “#lgbt fiscal conservative and socially liberal candidate.”

“California has the highest personal income tax and highest state sales tax in the country. Add in property tax, federal tax, local tax, gas tax, excise taxes, and some kind of government fee on nearly everything we do,” Jenner added.

“Newsom’s Administration is built upon a flawed viewpoint that we provide an endless stream of funding for a government that rarely cuts back, almost never assesses progress, and outright rejects accountability,” Jenner wrote in a jab at her incumbent opponent.

The Republican gubernatorial candidate also promised to “cut duplicate programs,” “streamline spending” and “hold the legislature accountable” if elected.

A number of eager GOP candidates sprung into action after it was announced that Newsom is facing an upcoming special election. Recall organizers were able to clear the bar by receiving over 1.5 million signatures for their petition. A governor has not been successfully recalled since 2003.

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