Biden Has Another Mental Lapse That Makes Some Worry About His Cognitive Decline

President Biden’s response to a question from the press after receiving a briefing on the border raised even more questions about his mental state and cognitive decline.

Biden has come under fire from both sides of the aisle over his controversial immigration plan.

One reporter asked, “Did you receive a briefing about the border today?”

Biden responded with just a “Yes.”

“What did you learn?” the reporter pressed.

All Biden would say before being rushed away quickly by an aide was, “A lot.”

Not exactly the confidence you would expect from the leader of the free world.

Recently during a visit to Texas Biden struggled to get through a speech botching the names of Democrat members of Congress.

“Representatives, uh, Sheryl— Shirley Jackson Lee,” Biden said, flubbing the name of Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX).
He continued, “Al Green, Sylvia Garcia, Lizzie Pinneli— excuse me, Pinell, and, uh, what am I doing here?” before looking down at the podium.
“I’m going to lose track here, and, uh, um— Mayor [Sylvester] Turner, Judge [Lina] Hidalgo, uh, thank you all for welcoming us,” Biden said.

Even Democrats agree that Biden’s immigration policy is going to cause a crisis at the border.

Watch this clip from CNN and Rep. Vicente Gonzalez admits Biden’s policy is an accident waiting to happen.

During a press conference DHS head, Sec. Mayorkas said, “We are not saying don’t come, we’re saying don’t come now because we will be able to deliver a safe and orderly process to them as quickly as possible”

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