The newest one of the Biden administration policies to deal with the border crisis is going to cost the American people millions of dollars alone. Biden has offered thousands of federal employees four months of paid leave as a “bribe” if they’ll offer their help in caring for migrant children who have crossed the border illegally.
Federal employees are estimated to have an annual salary of around $77,000 dollars. Four months of paid leave would equal a little more than $25,000 dollars. Only 20% of federal workers make less than $50,000 dollars.
An email from the administration to the federal workers has been leaked to the New York Times calling for help with the “Unaccompanied Alien Children.”
“The desperate plea landed this week in the email inboxes of employees in government agencies like the Department of Homeland Security and NASA: Will you consider taking a four-month paid leave from your job to help care for migrant children in government-run shelters packed with new arrivals at the border?” the Times reported.
“The request to much of the federal workforce came from the Department of Health and Human Services, which is at the heart of a frantic effort by the Biden administration to keep up with a surge in young people crossing the southwestern border hoping to reunite with relatives already in the United States,” the paper wrote.
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott on Sunday said on Fox News that he thinks the number of UACs, migrant children, will be higher than the 35,000 if the border crisis continues to spiral out of control for the Biden administration.
Abbott called out the Biden Administration on the complaints of sexual abuse at the Freeman Coliseum, a detention center in San Antonio, that many Texas child welfare agencies had received.
“This facility is a health and safety nightmare,” Abbott said. “The Biden administration is now presiding over the abuse of children. To end this abuse, the Biden administration must immediately shut down this facility.”
But White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said the White House has no plans to shut down the facility.
“Well, first we take safety and the well-being of children in our care very seriously, hence our earlier conversation about the funding spent to keep them safe during the pandemic,” Psaki said. “His claims will be looked into and investigated by the Department of Health and Human Services.”
She added: “Currently we have no basis for his call to shut down the San Antonio Freeman Coliseum as an intake site but we will of course — we take these allegations seriously and they will be investigated.”