Australian Government Arrests Hundreds For Protesting Against This Looming Threat

On Saturday, about 250 individuals were arrested as a result of protests in response to renewed COVID-19 lockdown orders amid escalating numbers of COVID-19 cases. Seven police officers were injured in the melee that ensued during anti-lockdown protests in Melbourne and Sydney, according to Reuters.

“Mounted police used pepper spray in Melbourne to break up crowds of more than 4,000 surging toward police lines, while smaller groups of protesters were prevented from congregating in Sydney by a large contingent of riot police,” Reuters reported.

Police said that in Melbourne, there were 218 arrests, 236 fines, and three arrests for police brutality. More than 260 fines were issued in the city of Sydney, and 47 people were charged with violating public health directives or resisting arrest.

A $5,000 punishment for breaking the extended stay-at-home orders was issued to residents of Sydney and its state of New South Wales after last Saturday, according to Reuters.

Watch The Protest Here:

“We are in a very serious situation here in New South Wales,” state Health Minister Brad Hazzard said. “There is no time now to be selfish, it’s time to think of the broader community and your families.”


Recently, a priest who spoke at a Sydney freedom demonstration last month stated to Rebel News why he opposes the government’s continued lockdowns. Explaining how his generation was called to battle communism in Vietnam, he cautioned that Australians today face an even bigger threat to their liberty from within.

“My dad was very much in favor of conscription [for the Vietnam War]. He explained to me that it is important that we stand up because this country was founded in democratic principles that enshrined certain freedoms,” he said.

“And we don’t want to live in a country where they can tell you you can’t go to church on Sunday. We don’t want to live in a country where they have electronic surveillance on you, where they can tell you when you come in and when you go out, whether you can go to work; who you can associate with, you know, whether you’re able to embrace people. I mean, God, it wasn’t even that extreme, I don’t think, but, you know, the so-called communist menace at the time was going to deprive us of all these rights,” the priest continued.

“They strip us of our humanity, they break down community, and they destroy the country we fought for, the country we love, the values we cherish. We need to stand up and fight not violently, but we need to be ready to have violence done to us, I suspect, by police and others. We’ve got to be ready to count the cost, as our mothers and our fathers did when they fought to give us these freedoms. It’s time for us now to stand up and fight to preserve them,” he added.

Watch His Powerful Message here:

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