WARNING! The FBI Believes White Supremacists Have Infiltrated Our Work Force

In America in 2020, something almost unfathomable occurred, as a number of hate groups rose to prominence all at once. Of these, perhaps none were as heinous or vile as the bands of white supremacists who retook the national spotlight throughout the year.

The reasons for this uptick are complex and varying, but we do know that the widespread use of social media, as well as the continuing trend of wealth disparity in the nation has fueled the rise of white supremacy, as these groups often prey upon the despondent among us, blaming the target of their hate for whatever problems these malleable minds have.

Now it appears as though these hate mongers are targeting specific professions in which they can advance their horrid agenda.

White supremacists are trying to join the ranks of law enforcement and the military so they can ‘terrorize minorities’ and ‘initiate a collapse of society’, the FBI has warned.

The agency’s San Antonio branch said right-wing extremists sought to join the two in an effort to ‘further’ their ideologies.

Their findings were based on investigations from 2016 to 2020 and were first reported by ABC who had access to a leaked copy of the report.

The report is troubling.

The February 25 report, which was handed out in Texas and across the US, focuses on white-supremacist publication ‘Siege’.

It reads: ‘In the long term, FBI San Antonio assesses [racially motivated violent extremists] successfully entering military and law enforcement careers almost certainly will gain access to non-public tradecraft and information, enabling them to enhance operational security and develop new tactics in and beyond the FBI San Antonio.’

FBI Director Christopher Wray has also suggested that there are serious concerns about the prevalence of white supremacy in America today, with arrests of such individuals tripling recently.

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