There Are Many Who Believe That This New Bill Is A Waste Of Time

Many people are calling for the protection of the world’s most mysterious and elusive creature after a lawmaker in Oklahoma recently pushed for a Bigfoot hunting season. The elected official said that he is receiving negative feedback even though his “hunt” for the mythical creature aims to bring it in alive.

Last week Representative Justin Humphrey introduced House Bill 1648 asking the Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission to establish an official “bigfoot hunting season.”

According to the bill, “The Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission shall promulgate rules establishing a bigfoot hunting season. The Commission shall set annual season dates and crate any necessary specific hunting licenses and fees.”

Micah Holmes, Assistant Chief of the Information and Education Division at the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation confirmed “It is a real bill, yes.”

Humphry confessed that since the bill became public he has been “flooded” with calls and messages from people, both believers and nonbelievers, upset with him over the bill. Those who deny the existence of Bigfoot are angry with him for wasting time on a bill based around an imaginary creature.

The lawmaker says deniers have called him an idiot, cursed him over the bill, and vowed to never vote for him again.

Bigfoot believers, however, aren’t very happy either (although Humphrey noted they are generally more polite). He says their main complaint is that Bigfoot should be left alone.

While Oklahoma has a high number of Bigfoot sightings, Washington, California, and Texas are among the best states to visit for a sighting. North Carolina, Georgia, and Oregon have also had many Bigfoot sightings in recent years.

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