The Times Blasted For Critical Remarks Against Biden's Orders

The notoriously left-wing New York Times editorial board rooted for President Biden during his campaign and celebrated his victory, but Biden's communication's director became livid after they expressed their opinion about his recent string of executive orders.

With the casual headline "Ease up on the Executive Actions, Joe," the editorial board criticized him for relying too heavily on executive orders. Since being sworn into office last week Biden has already signed dozens of orders ranging from dealing with issues on climate change to canceling the Keystone Pipeline.

"But this is no way to make law. A polarized, narrowly divided Congress may offer Mr. Biden little choice but to employ executive actions or see his entire agenda held hostage," the board stated. "These directives, however, are a flawed substitute for legislation. They are intended to provide guidance to the government and need to work within the discretion granted the executive by existing law or the Constitution ... [T]hey are not meant to serve as an end run around the will of Congress. By design, such actions are more limited in what they can achieve than legislation, and presidents who overreach invite intervention by the courts."

It's true that executive orders can be reversed with a quick stroke of the next president's pen, just as Biden is doing to former President Trump and him to Barack Obama and so on

"Undoing some of Mr. Trump’s excesses is necessary, but Mr. Biden’s legacy will depend on his ability to hammer out agreements with Congress," the board continued.

While the newspaper's criticism came from a place of sympathy, communications director Kate Bedingfield was fuming, nonetheless.

While the Time stood behind Biden all the way through the general election, they did not officially endorse him for the Democratic nomination. They instead went with Senator Amy Klobuchar and Senator Elizabeth Warren who would go on to win a total of zero primaries.

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