Taliban Reinstates Barbaric Forms Of Torture As Punishment

A Taliban official said that the regime will reinstitute harsh punishment in Afghanistan. Mullah Nooruddin Turabi, who previously served as the Taliban’s justice minister, and now serves to enforce its harsh interpretation of Islam, said Thursday that Afghanistan will once again be ruled under strict adherence to Islamic law which includes executions and cutting off hands.

“Everyone criticized us for the punishments in the stadium, but we have never said anything about their laws and their punishments,” Turabi said of the Taliban’s past public executions. “No one will tell us what our laws should be. We will follow Islam and we will make our laws on the Quran.”

“Cutting off of hands is very necessary for security,” Turabi said, adding that it has not yet been decided if these types of punishments will be carried out publicly.

These punishments are very common for the Taliban’s targets. Saber Nasseri was punished for working as an interpreter for the U.S. military forces by having fingers removed from both hands. He appeared on Fox News’ “Hannity” last month to demonstrate how the Taliban had punished him.

“The Taliban, they cut my fingers off, they cut my body, all of that. I got a lot of shrapnel. I worked for Navy SEALs, U.S. Marines in Afghanistan, but, right now, the Taliban, they are hunting my family,” Nasseri said.

Once the U.S. military was completely withdrawn, the Taliban quickly formed its new government and vowed to “work hard towards upholding Islamic rules and sharia law.”

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