Portnoy Responds To Allegations Of Misconduct In Rage Fueled Rant

Dave Portnoy, the founder of Barstool Sports, opened up about the allegations that he strangled and recorded women during sex without their consent, it was wild. Portnoy was interviewed on Fox News Monday night by anchor Tucker Carlson. The sports media tycoon chastised Business Insider for publishing an article last week documenting many allegations of sexual misconduct against Portnoy.

“They won’t even discuss it. They print and run. They print and run. It’s disgusting and it’s character assassination,” Portnoy said. “My lawyers have said just let it go, it’ll go away. I’m not going to let it go because this is, this behavior, I’ve never been attacked like this. I’ve been attacked for two decades, but never escalated to this length and, frankly, it’s scary. I didn’t know that you could do this.”

Last week, Business Insider published an article revealing two women’s claims that Portnoy strangled and harmed them during a consensual hook-up. Portnoy, who claims to have recognized the ladies included in the story, rebutted the charges in an internet video.

The ladies who made the charges, both college-aged, refused to give their true identities to Business Insider, stating they feared retaliation from Portnoy.

According to the first claim, made by a lady named Madison, Portnoy flew her to his place for a brief stay. She said they had intercourse once during her time with the Barstool founder, and the event left her feeling like a “human sex doll.” Two days after the event, she texted a friend, describing Portnoy as rough and comparing the sensation of sex that night to rape. She claimed she yelled in agony, pleading with Portnoy to stop, but he refused. She stated that she slept on the couch for the remainder of her trip.

“I can say this unequivocally, she came, she flew, we did have pizza, hung out, hooked up. At no point during it, at no point was it not 100% consensual. At no point did she ask me to stop. At no point did either of us think something unseemly happened. There was no weirdness after. It was totally fine, normal interaction. Sexual, 100% consensual,” Portnoy said.

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