Officer Caught Having Hanky Panky In Patrol Car Faces Serious Consequences

A Madison, Wisconsin police officer opted to resign Wednesday after having been recorded while having sex in his patrol car Sept. 16. Lieutenant Reginald Patterson was in the back of his police cruiser with a woman when as soon as they noticed they were being recorded, the woman tried to cover herself.

Marcel Scott recorded the incident from the parking lot of a Farm and Fleet store. Scott said he started recording when he saw “white legs pop up in the back of the police car.” At one point during the video, Patterson can be seen getting out of the car briefly, when got back into the vehicle, he climbed over the seat then drove off according to Scott.

A departmental investigation found Patterson “violated multiple department policies” during the incident, of which Patterson has not been officially accused of committing. Results of the investigation recommended terminating Patterson, but Patterson chose to resign before a hearing in front of the city’s Police and Fire Commission could be conducted.

A hearing in front of the Commission could have taken up to a year and Patterson would have remained on paid administrative leave during that time.

The Dane County Sheriff’s Office found no crime had occurred in the incident in the parking lot of the store. Barnes has previously stated that the woman involved is not a prostitute.

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