Message In A Bottle Leads To Dramatic Rescue

Six sailors from the Brazilian vessel Bom Jesus found themselves stranded on an uninhabited island on April 1 after the ship caught fire. Miraculously, a message in a bottle led to their rescue.

A fisherman found the bottle containing their desperate plea and immediately contacted the Brazilian Navy. After 13 days without food or a sufficient supply of fresh water, the grateful sailors were rescued from Ilha das Flechas, also known as Arrow Island.

The sailors had been forced to abandon the ship after the vessel caught fire during a 10-day ocean expedition. The group found shelter on a remote island off the coast of the Brazilian state of Para.

The crew, who had very few resources available, wrote a desperate note and put it in a bottle. They tied a ball to the bottle and launched it into the ocean with the hope that, against all odds, someone would find it and send help.

The note read, “Help, help! We need help, our boat caught fire, we have been on Arrow Island for 13 days without food, let our family know.”

Following the dramatic rescue, the men were taken to the city of Belém where they were physically examined, and aside from severe dehydration, all were found to be in surprisingly good health.

The six men said they drank rainwater and rationed their food to survive. The port authority has launched an investigation to determine the cause of the boat fire.

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