Leftist Organization Attempts To Infiltrate Schools To Teach Kids Sex Acts

A left-wing organization is promoting sex education videos for children that cover chest binding and oral sex. AMAZE creates sex education content specifically targeting children, according to the organization’s website. The group advocates beginning sexual education lessons as early as kindergarten but notes that “it’s never too early” to start.

AMAZE’s website provides materials for educators as well, including toolkits and lesson plans to promote sexual education in the classroom. Examples of toolkits include, “Is Sexting Ok?” Another lesson focuses on sexual orientation and gender identity.

Videos promoted to educators include, “What are Pronouns?” “Range of Gender Identities,” “How To Be A LGBTQIA+ Ally” and “Being Female, Male, Transgender, or Fluid.” Videos also discuss sexual orientation, birth control, and abortion.

AMAZE’s content is available on the organization’s YouTube channel, which boasts more than 220,000 subscribers and 60 million combined views. A report from The Federalist questioned whether AMAZE’s content for kids violated YouTube’s terms and conditions.

YouTube’s policy forbids “content that targets young minors and families but contains sexual themes, violence, obscene, or other mature themes not suitable for young audiences.”


One video posted to AMAZE’s channel discusses the use of chest binders to flatten healthy breast tissue and encouraged “transgender men and non-binary individuals” to Google best practices for safe chest binding.


“For transgender men and non-binary individuals, binding their chest may be a way to help create a flatter looking chest and help their body appear more like the gender they are,” the video said.


In the video titled, “Wait, Does Oral Sex Count As Sex?” a child is shown wearing a pansexual shirt and discussing oral sex.


“I’m gay. So, if sex is just a penis and a vagina, then I guess my boyfriend and I will never have sex,” the animated teen said while a triumphant banner read “Virgins For Life!” above.


One video claimed that “girls get erections too.”


Much of AMAZE’s video content would likely not be permissible under several state bans on teaching about sexual education before third grade. Children under 8 years old in states such as Florida are unable to view such content in the classroom under newly enacted state law.

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