Following the passing of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell vowed to push President Trump’s pick for the vacant seat into position. Trump later announced that he would pick a nominee and a vote would be held before the election.
Democrats heard this and completely lost it. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi threatened impeachment to block a potential nominee picked by the president from getting the vote. Angry protesters surrounded Senator McConnell’s house in Kentucky to protest his support of the president.
Several U.S. Representatives also said that if “he holds a vote in 2020, we pack the court in 2021. It’s that simple.”
But Republicans have laid out four good reasons why they should act as quickly as possible to appoint a new associate justice to the Supreme Court.
Reason number one is because the upcoming election could be a close call, and could very well be contested. If that happens it will be up to the Supreme Court to determine the outcome, there needs to be an additional conservative justice in that seat to guarantee the court will not find themselves in a deadlock.
The second reason is the heated fight over who will fill the late Ruth Bader Ginsberg’s seat will rally Democrat voters, which Joe Biden has failed to do thus far. Republicans need to be one step ahead of this surge of enthusiasm by showing loyalty to conservative supporters who have always ranked Supreme Court appointments high on their list of priorities.
Third, it has never been more important to have a court dedicated to upholding our Constitution, and progressives taking over the Democratic Party is a huge threat to our religious freedoms, freedom of speech, and our Second Amendment rights. Nothing will protect our freedoms better than a conservative court.
The fourth and last reason is simple: it’s payback time. The Democrats have carried out heinous and unforgivable attacks against Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh which can be rectified by appointing another conservative jurist.
There’s no doubt that this is going to get ugly. The Democrats made sure of that when they declared war before the ink was even dry on RBG’s death certificate.