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Throughout his career, Facebook co-founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg has maintained that the playing field is level on his platform and that they treat all of its roughly three billion members similarly. The covert Facebook tool is known as “X-Check” or “Cross-Check,” according to a new Wall Street Journal investigation, has long allowed celebrities, politicians, and other high-profile accounts to evade restrictions that other users are required to observe. Even though we knew all along with the favoritism that Zuckerberg shows his radical elitists.
The source was able to receive a private internal audit, which revealed that the social media platform Cross-Check had allowed millions of renowned users to publish bullying, sexual material, hate speech, incitement to violence, and other prohibited materials without being penalized. Some privileged users enjoy a completely hands-off attitude, whilst posts from others that violate the rules are flagged for review, which never materializes.
In the beginning, the goal of Cross-Check was to offer Facebook an additional layer of scrutiny that would aid the company in avoiding any public relations concerns that might arise from the censorship or de-platforming of celebrities. In actuality, however, the company’s researchers discovered that it resulted in a large number of high-profile accounts being “whitelisted.” These individuals were free to express themselves without fear of being subjected to the kinds of penalties that ordinary users suffer at the hands of moderators and algorithms.
To give one recent example, in 2019, Facebook allowed Brazilian soccer player Neymar to upload nude photographs of a woman who had accused him of rape on a Facebook page that had hundreds of thousands of followers. Facebook eventually removed the images, but it did not do so as soon as it would have done in other circumstances. According to the Journal, the examination also reveals that the firm permitted VIPs to falsely claim that former President Donald Trump called asylum-seeking refugees “animals” and that Hillary Clinton was involved in a pedophile network, according to the Journal.
The Journal reported Facebook researchers found the company’s favoritism to those users “to be both widespread and ‘not publicly defensible.’”
A 2019 internal memo titled “The Political Whitelist Contradicts Facebook’s Core Stated Principles” detailed the disconnect between the social media giant’s public stance and its actual practice. The researchers called the program a “breach of trust” and stated, “We are not actually doing what we say we do publicly…Unlike the rest of our community, these people can violate our standards without any consequences.”
According to the Journal’s findings, these papers show that Facebook’s public responses to inquiries about its oversight policies and procedures — including those it has presented in Congressional hearings — are frequently false or partial. It claimed that the corporation had concealed the extent to which its top executives were aware of the difficulties.