Cop Serves Unruly Woman A Toxic Round Of Justice

A video of a New York police officer hitting a woman square in the face and leaving her laid out on the sidewalk has gone viral on Social media.

The barbaric punch happened in mid-August in Harlem, but the video is just now circulating online — it shows a group of officers in the middle of a crowd. NYPD says they were trying to arrest a man in connection with attempted murder.

That’s when the officer hauls off and lands a crushing blow to the woman’s face. She immediately falls backward and hits her head on the pavement.

Witnesses on the scene were stunned, and one man is heard yelling at the cop, “Why would you do that?!”

It’s unclear if she lost consciousness, but moments later officers had her up on her feet and in handcuffs.

NYPD is describing the incident as self-defense saying, “While police were effecting the arrest, multiple individuals on scene interfered by physically assaulting numerous officers. One officer sustained a minor injury to the head.”

Two women were charged with assaulting an officer, resisting arrest, and obstructing governmental administration — one of them was additionally charged with menacing and harassment, and a third woman was accused of spitting at an officer.

It’s unclear which of those women is the punching victim from the video. As of now, NYPD has not announced any discipline for the officer.

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