Biden Has Abandoned Arizona While Under A State Of Emergency After Getting Swarmed

With the new updates to the Biden administration’s immigration policy, a mayor in Arizona had to declare a state of emergency in the Gila Bend community. This announcement of help from the Mayor stems from when U.S. Customs and Border Protection dropped off 16 illegal immigrants at a park in the small town of Gila Bend which has a population of around 2,000.

This surge of illegals seems to be never-ending according to Mayor Chris Riggs who noted earlier in the month that he was seeing 20 unknown illegals a DAY walk into the town. Riggs has constantly voiced during this crisis that his town does not have the resources to house the illegals or to help in any way.

Since the Biden administration “unleashed the floodgates” at the border even this small town has seen an uptick in violence. With no information or communication given to Riggs about the illegal immigrants’ identities, potential criminal background, or COVID-19 infection status there isn’t much more he could do.

“I’ve got nothing here, I’ve got no shelter, nowhere to put them,” Riggs said, according to FOX 10. “Literally, they’d be sleeping at the park and I’m not going to do that to little children.”

“I want to get Maricopa County to provide me, from the department of health services, with personnel and testing resources so that I can test these people,” the mayor added.

Mayor Riggs was forced to declare a state of emergency after the Biden administration refused to address the situation at Gila Bend. Thousands of small towns around the border are also being infected by this disease.

“We can barely afford to take care of the people that we have here in our community now, and as of the second [of March], the Border Patrol advised us that they’re going to drop people off here and [say], ‘They’re your problem,’” the mayor said.

“We just do not have the ability to care for these people. Quite frankly, it’s going to cost us tens of thousands of dollars a year to be able just to provide them with a bottle of water and a sandwich when they get dropped off.”

During a Fox Business appearance on Tuesday night, Riggs reiterated the dire circumstances triggered by the Biden administration’s policies.

“Border Patrol let us know that they were going to be dropping migrants that had been detained for 72 hours in our town, which we really didn’t understand because we have nothing here,” he said, according to The Blaze. “We have no charity organizations that can help, no non-governmental organizations that a lot of the larger cities and towns do have to assist these people.”

The crisis, however, has gone largely under the radar in the mainstream press until this weekend via leaked images. The Biden administration has reportedly put what’s effectively a “gag order” on Border Patrol agents with the media, according to sources. The Biden administration has denied the “gag order” reports.

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